Airport Commission
The Airport Commission consists of five members and meets the second Wednesday of the month, at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Gooding Airport, 1945 Airport Rd, Gooding, Idaho. Meetings are open to the public.
- Landunn Koyle - Chairman
- Todd Thomas - Secretary
- Ted Pierson
- Kelly Gant
- Doug Kulhanek
Meeting Information
Citizens wishing to address the Commission may call the Public Works Director at (208) 595-4902.
Detailed meeting notices and information may be found here:
Airport Commission Agendas & Minutes
Planning & Zoning Board
The Planning & Zoning Commission acts as a recommending body on applicable land use applications such as annexations, subdivisions, and amendments to the zoning code with goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances adopted by the City Council. The P & Z Commission meets the third Thursday of the month, at 2:00 PM. The P & Z Commission only meets in June, July and August as needed. Meetings are open to the public.
- Brenda Burg - Chairman
- Al Hagen - Vice Chairman
- Hayden Peterson - Secretary
- Pat Bishop
- Chad Hoeft
- Jessica Brockman
Meeting Information
Citizens wishing to address the P & Z Commission may call the Secretary at (208) 595-4173.
Detailed meeting notices and information may be found here:
Planning & Zoning Commission Agendas, Packets & Minutes
Urban Renewal Agency
The Urban Renewal Agency consists of five members and meets the first Thursday of the month, at 9:00 AM. Meetings are held at City Hall. Meetings are open to the public.
- Karolyn Gaines - Chairman
- George Yerion - Vice Chairman
- Tonya Burg
- Larry Bybee
- Jan Shepherd
- Hollye Haney - Secretary/Treasurer
Meeting Information
Citizens wishing to address the Urban Renewal Agency may call the Secretary at (208) 595-4234.
Detailed meeting notices and information may be found here: