City of Gooding Schedule of Fees by Department
Airport Departmental Fees
- Aerial Applicator’s Permit Fee - $2,000 Annually
- Land Lease for Airport Hangers & Containment Pads - $.06 per square foot annually
- Fuel Concession Lease - $0.75 per gallon
Building Departmental Fees
- Special Use Permits - $200.00
- Variance Permits - $200.00
- Fence Permits - $30.00
- Zoning Change Application - $600.00
- Annexation Fee - $750.00
- Airbnb Permit - $300.00
- Building Permit & Inspection Fees (Set by code)
Park Departmental Fees
- Fireworks Application Refundable Deposit - $50.00
- Fireworks Application Permit - $10.00
Police Departmental Fees
- Dance Permit Fee - $20.00
- Catering Permit Fee - $20.00
- Dog License Fee - $10.00 for altered dog; $20.00 for non-altered dog
- Dog Running at Large - $50.00 - 1st Offense; $100.00 - 2nd Offense; $150.00 - 3rd Offense
- Alcohol - Selling or Serving Beer on Premise - $100.00 annually (Set by code)
- Alcohol - Selling or Serving Liquor on Premise - $375.00 annually (Set by code)
- Alcohol - Selling or Serving Wine on Premise - $25.00 annually (Set by code)
- Alcohol - Selling or Serving Beer on Premise - $25.00 (Set by code)
- Alcohol - Retailing Wine - $25.00 (Set by code)
- Alcohol - License Transfer - $25.00
- VIN Inspections - $5.00
Sewer Departmental Fees
- The sewer user charges are base on an equivalent connection. Single family residences are charged $16.20 per month. Commercial, industrial and special users property equivalents are set by the City.
- New Residential Sewer Connection Fee - $1,500
- New Commercial Sewer Connection Fee - $1,500
- Sewer Debt Fee - The Sewer Debt Fee is charged to all users and used to pay off bonds taken out to improve or maintain the sewer system. The fee is $37.00 per month.
Sanitation Departmental Fees
- Residential 95 gallon can is $12.18 per month & a 300 gallon can is $36.50 per month.
- Commercial 95 gallon can is $45.00 per month & a 300 gallon can is $74.99 per month. A 95/300 gallon combo is $89.98 per month.
Water Departmental Fees
- Water is metered and the cost is based on usage. The base rate is $16.95 for the first 5,000 gallons. For every 100 gallons used over 5,000 gallons, customers pay an additional $.12 per 100 gallons up to 200,000 gallons and an additional $.40 per 1,000 gallons after 200,000 gallons.
- Water Reconnect Fee for non-payment - $25.00
- Returned Check Fee - $20.00
- Water Meter Installation Fees are as follows:
1” Meter - $2,751.84
1.5” Meter - $5,371.28
2” Meter - $6,273.06
4” Meter - $7,410.00
6” Fire - $3,410.00
8” Fire - $3,910.00
- Water Debt Fee - The Water Debt Fee is charged to all users with a meter connection and used to pay off bonds taken out to improve or maintain the water system. The fee is $20.00 per month.